Students and Research Assistants in Dupuy Lab

At Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center, we seek to foster a collective sense of engagement, affirmation, and belonging as the foundation of the work we do. We commit to weaving these values authentically and concretely into the fabric of the Center’s daily operations.

  • We strive for a Cancer Center where greater fairness, care, and belonging are integrated into our learning, patient care, and workplace practices, and all have opportunities to meet their goals.
  • We aspire to mirror the diversity of the communities we serve in both our membership and leadership, alongside leading and advocating for a better shared future.
  • We commit to continually assessing Cancer Center climate and our support structures to identify priority areas for improvement.
  • We commit to embracing diverse perspectives and being attentive to disparities, especially as it affects marginalized members of our community.
  • We commit to supporting initiatives to enhance diversity, equity, and inclusion opportunities.

HCCC WAA Committee Vision Statement

The WAA Committee will work to recommend, plan and implement initiatives that support the WAA vision of Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center.

  • Together, we strive to build an inclusive culture that encourages, supports, and celebrates the diverse voices of our employees, trainees and patients.
  • We aim to build a Center that attracts and leverages diversity of its members, staff and trainees and strives for respect and inclusion throughout our workplace and the communities we serve.
  • We are committed to promoting equitable representation by organizing resources and attention to impact recruitment and retention efforts of patient, students, faculty, and staff from diverse backgrounds.
  • We will communicate the WAA vision to the Director and senior leadership of the Cancer Center to provide the resources necessary to achieve this mission.