It’s our privilege to provide your care.

At every step of your journey, we value the fact that you have entrusted us with your care.
We make cancer personal.
We mean it when we say you are at the center of your cancer care. Our care approach is personalized on many levels. We recognize all the promise awaiting your life after cancer.
You have an entire team of experts devoted to your care.
Your MOG (multidisciplinary oncology group) brings together experts in your specific type of cancer, approaching it from several perspectives. All of these minds are trained on success for you.
You have the final say in your care options.
Your team of specialists will provide you with all the options available for the goal of returning you to health. We will work with you to choose the options that succeed for you.
Your cancer is different from anyone else’s.
On a basic biological level, your cancer has a DNA make up that’s unique to you. Cancer treatment advances—including many developed by Holden researchers—help unlock that DNA signature, allowing medicines and other treatments to work as effectively as possible to eliminate the disease.
You deserve care that treats you as a whole person.
While treating cancer is first and foremost on your team’s agenda, we know that we’re caring for you as a complete person. Our care addresses other conditions in your life and health, including the effects of cancer on your psychological wellbeing.
We’ve made a personal pledge to eliminate cancer.
Members of your care team know what a cancer diagnosis means for you and your family. Our careers as researchers and care givers are invested in reducing the burden of cancer for you and for generations to come.