Schedule of Application Deadlines for Funding Programs

Funding Options

Currently Accepting Applications

HCCC: Oberly Awards

Letter of Interest Deadline: Noon, Friday, February 28, 2025

Junior Faculty Seed Grant - 
HCCC American Cancer Society Institutional Research Grant

Deadline is Noon Tuesday, April 1, 2025.

Investigator-Initiated Trials’ Support Initiative (IITSI)

Deadline for Letters of Intent is Noon Wednesday, March 5, 2025.

Not Currently Accepting Applications

Adolescent and Young Adult (AYA) Cancer Awards

Adolescent and Young Adult (AYA) Cancer Awards research award which benefits cancer patients diagnosed between 13 to 39 years of age.

Closed: Deadline was on Noon on Monday, May 6, 2024.

Aiming For A Cure Foundation Grant Opportunity

Closed. Deadline for Letters of Intent was Noon Friday February 16, 2024.
Closed [for Invited Proposals Only]. Deadline for Invited Full Proposals was Noon Monday April 15, 2024.

Diana Benz Seed Grant

Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center
Diana Benz Seed Grant guidelines [Example]
Closed.  Application deadline was Noon, Wednesday, May 31, 2023.

Donald D. Dorfman Research Award

Closed. Application deadline was December 31, 2023.

Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center, Workforce Access and Advancement Research Award

Closed. Nomination deadline was on Friday, May 5, 2023

Pancreatic Cancer Research Funding Opportunity

Spohnheimer Thyroid Cancer Research Award

HCCC: Adolescent and Young Adult (AYA) Cancer Awards

Closed. Deadline was on Noon on Monday, May 6, 2024



University of Iowa Grant Resources

University of Iowa Grant Resources

Check Departmental Training Opportunities

External Funding Opportunities

External Funding Opportunities

NIH Grant Announcements

Travel Awards

Vere D. Wenger Travel Award Guidelines

Vere D. Wenger Travel Awards are available to help defray partial travel expenses from faculty and staff members in all fields (humanities, law, medicine, natural and social sciences, etc.), from all of the Colleges on The University of Iowa campus who present papers at conferences and/or who attend professional meetings which contribute to the knowledge of cancer or for the well-being of cancer patients. The purpose of these funds is to support travel for researchers who have no other source of support for such travel. We require applications be submitted and approved before the meeting has occurred. These awards support travel to all locations in accordance with University of Iowa travel policies. Wenger Travel Awards may also be used to cover registration costs for Conferences and Meetings that will be attended virtually.

Decisions concerning use of these funds are made by the Leaders of the 4 formal research programs of the HCCC. Inquiries from HCCC members, trainees and staff in need of support to travel to a cancer meeting should be made to the Program Leader most appropriate for the research being supported. HCCC Administration is happy to assist applicants who are unsure about which Program Leader to contact.

The following will be required before requests will be funded:

  • Information on the dates, location, and sponsorship of the meeting
  • A letter of acceptance of the paper and/or a program listing the presentation
  • An abstract of the paper

Revised October 2023