Category: From the Director

From the Director

I Don’t Believe In a “Zero Sum Game”

If one side is to win, the other side needs to lose. Dr Weiner thinks there is another way.

From the Director

Biden's Next Silo?

As we develop better cancer therapeutics, can we afford them?

From the Director

Uncertainty In Cancer. This Time It’s Personal.

Dr. Weiner reveals his personal relationship with cancer.

From the Director

Bringing Out the Best

How does a company on track? Dr. Weiner believes it's a product of teamwork.

From the Director

Cancer Facts and the Fight Against Cancer - Never the Twain Shall Meet?

Mark Twain spoke about “lies, damn lies, and statistics”. Dr Weiner describes how Twain's thoughts apply to cancer research.

From the Director

Managing the Unmanageable – My E-mail Inbox

Dr. Weiner details the challenges of staying organized, and how to overcome them.

From the Director

Approaching Cancer In 3-D

Cancer, as in many complex problems, can best be approached by looking at it from every angle.

From the Director

Build It, Run It and Move On.

Build it for 3 years, run it for 3 years, then move on.

From the Director

Beautiful Hypothesis - Ugly Fact

“The great tragedy of science – the slaying of a beautiful hypothesis by an ugly fact.”

From the Director

The Agony and the Ecstasy – of Accreditations

Accreditations are the fruits of arduous work.