Category: From the Director

From the Director

Strategic Planning (no eye rolling please)

Though monotonous, strategic planning has incredible benefits.

From the Director

Changing the Environment of Cancer from the Inside and the Outside

Greater knowledge of the immune system leads to better treatment for cancer patients.

From the Director

Holden 2015- A Year in Review

Cancer immunotherapy, research funding, and new cancer drugs – a year in review.

From the Director

Disruptive Innovation in Cancer Medicine - See Cancer Differently

Dr. Weiner and Dr. Mohammed Milhem express the exciting developments in cancer research.

From the Director

Breakthroughs and Abuse

Technological breakthroughs often lead to both wonderful opportunities for advancement and potential for abuse.

From the Director

My Life as a Rubik's cube

Patient care is analogous to solving a Rubik's cube.

From the Director

Patients Enhancing Research Collaboration at Holden (PERCH)

Given the complexity of cancer, robust information from a large number of patients is needed so we can conduct research that helps us determine what is best for each individual patient.

From the Director

SPORE of an Idea

Dr. Weiner discusses the growth of the Specialized Program of Research Excellence, “SPORE” for short.

From the Director

Rejuvenation of Failed Cancer Research Hypotheses

Our knowledge and our tools were limited compared to those of today.

From the Director


Targeting abnormalities in cancer is comparable to finding the right radio station.