Tissue Procurement Core
The Tissue Procurement Core (TPC) Facility is jointly supported by the Carver College of Medicine and Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center. The goal of the TPC is to make available human tissue and other biospecimens for current research studies and to store frozen human tumor and normal tissue for future research studies in support of the research programs at Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center. The TPC provides research infrastructure in the form of a well-characterized bank of frozen and routinely processed neoplastic and normal tissues suitable for molecular genetic, biochemical, and pathological studies. The core also facilitates the use of formalin fixed, paraffin embedded (FFPE) tissue from UI Health Care archives or from the SEER repository.
Investigators who are interested in obtaining human tissue samples from the facility should begin by contacting the TPC office at 1-319-384-4737 or 1-319-384-4753 to discuss your project and determine if the TPC can potentially meet the project tissue requirements. If the discussion concludes that the request is ready to advance to the stage of making a formal application, the investigator will be directed online to complete an application. Completed applications will be forwarded for review to the Tissue Utilization Committee. The committee will recommend approval or disapproval. Priority will be given to those studies that are supported by peer reviewed funding or foster collaborative work. You also will be required to sign an IRB-approved usage agreement.
Medical Director:
Stephanie Chen, MD
Office: 5232-A Colloton Pavilion (JCP)
Email: stephanie-chen@uiowa.edu
Technical Director of Specimen Procurement:
Kristen Coleman, PhD
Office: E229 General Hospital
Email: kristen-coleman@uiowa.edu
TPC General Email: HCCC-Tissue Procurement HCCC-TissueProcurement@healthcare.uiowa.edu