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Application for Holden Membership

You’ll find a straight-forward application process that provides information about your clinical focus and/or research interests. 

Download the application.

Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center (HCCC) Membership Criteria

January 2025

Full Cancer Center Members

Full Members will be researchers who are active investigators participating in cancer-relevant research at the University of Iowa. They can be in the tenure, clinical, research, or research scientist track. All full members are expected to maintain scholarly activity in the form of peer-reviewed cancer-relevant publications AND meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • Be PI on a peer-reviewed cancer relevant grant within the past two years
  • Currently be supported for a total of 10 percent effort or more as a co-investigator on peer-reviewed cancer relevant grant(s)
  • Serve in a leadership role for a vital aspect of the cancer center that is a component of the NCI Cancer Center Support Grant

Associate Members

Associate members will be cancer researchers who are early in their careers, who have faculty/staff appointments that permit extramural grant applications as PI per UI guidelines and have not yet obtained peer-reviewed funding for research, and/or have internal peer review funding made by the HCCC Research Review Committee. Alternatively, associate members will be cancer clinicians who dedicate a minimum of 50 percent of their effort to the care of cancer patients at the University of Iowa, have demonstrated a commitment to the cancer center research mission, and participate to a significant degree (estimated as 20 percent effort or greater) in clinical research. This can include enrolling patients on clinical protocols, serving as investigators on cancer research projects, such as industry supported clinical trials, or opening investigator-initiated interventional clinical trials. MOG Clinical Trial Leaders who are not Full Members in the research track will be Associate Members.

To apply for Full or Associate Membership, please download the application and follow instructions.

Note: Full and Associate members will be listed as “members” in the CCSG P30 grant.

Clinical Faculty Members

Clinical members are faculty clinicians who dedicate a minimum of 50% of their effort to the care of cancer patients or on other cancer related efforts such as cancer prevention or early detection and who participate in multidisciplinary cancer care including clinical cancer research by enrolling patients on studies.  To apply for clinical membership please send a copy of your CV to Tami Thompson ( and request Clinical membership.

Affiliate Members

Affiliate members are those in the research or clinical community at the University of Iowa who have an interest in cancer.  This includes all HCCC clinical staff and trainees at all levels.  Although Affiliate Members are not eligible for HCCC-supported core discounts, they are welcome to participate in any HCCC activities, including program membership, HCCC mailing lists, and are eligible for certain types of HCCC pilot funding such as American Cancer Society pilot grants administered by the Cancer Center or other initiatives supported by gift funds. To apply for affiliate membership please send a copy of your CV to Tami Thompson ( and request Affiliate membership.