Genomics Core
Director: Kevin L. Knudtson, PhD
Office: 116B EMRB
Phone: 1-319-335-7251
DNA Sequencing (Sanger-based)
Phone: 1-319-335-6736
Location: 116 EMRB
Genome Sequencing (NGS-based)
Phone: 1-319-335-6736
Location: 116 EMRB
Synthetic Oligonucleotide Service
Phone: 1-319-335-7923
Location: 117 EMRB
DNA Microarray
Phone: 1-319-335-7928
Location: 116 EMRB
Quantitative DNA/RNA Analysis
Phone: 1-319-335-7928
Location: 116 EMRB
Genomics Core provides a centralized resource for access to state-of-the-art equipment used in DNA sequence and transcript analysis. The Genomics Core strives to provide high quality services with a rapid turnaround and support their services with well-trained personnel who are able to consult with users on how they may best utilize the services. The Genomics Core continues to evaluate and update their services so they remain cutting-edge and provide new services, as necessary, to continue to meet the needs of Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center investigators.
Services provided include:
- DNA sequencing (capillary-based Sanger sequencing)
- ABI Models 3730 & 3730xl
- NGS-based genome sequencing
- Illumina NovaSeq 6000 Genome Sequencer
- Illumina MiSeq Benchtop Sequencer
- DNA Microarray
- Illumina Infinium BeadArray System
- Quantitative DNA/RNA analysis
- ABI Models 7900, QuantStudio Flex-7, and QuantStudio 7 Pro
- Fluidigm Biomark and EP1 systems
- BioRad QX200 Droplet Digital PCR system
- NanoString nCounter
- Synthetic oligonucleotides
- Nucleic acid quality assessment
- Agilent Bioanalyzer
- Advanced Analytical Fragment Analyzer
- Nanodrop Spectrophotometer, Qubit Fluorometer, and Trinean DropSense Spectrophotometer