​We are your data source about cancer throughout Iowa.

Iowa map showing cancer projections for current year
Iowa cancer projections for current year, from Cancer in Iowa report.

Holden operates the Oncology Registry, a record of the history and treatment of patients with cancer and precancerous conditions.

The history you share about your case provides useful information to help doctors and researchers better understand cancer. The information collected and catalogued helps investigate causes of cancer, note best practices for making diagnoses, and  track the most effective treatments.

Contributing information about your case

  • Helps us better understand cancer
  • Serves as a rich resource for researchers and providers
  • Improves the care of future patients

You stay completely anonymous while facts about your condition and care are shared with Holden cancer specialists, medical educators, the State Health Registry of Iowa, and the National Cancer Database.

Holden’s providers are committed to this sharing of valuable information. You are automatically part of the program unless you choose not to participate. Part of our information gathering includes lifetime follow ups with you to record your health status and any future treatments.